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- The Archive of Crown Treasury. Section I – tax registers. Electronic database
- Old And Historical Maps
- DataAtlasFontium
- Historical administrative and political divisions of Poland (ca. 1600-1900)
- Maps of the past
- The settlement network of the Sanok land in the years 1340–1650
- Tax registers of the Polish Crown in the second half of the 16th century
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- Corona Regni Poloniae. Map at a scale of 1:250 000
- Historical Atlas of Poland. Tax Registers from the Voivodeship of Kalisz in the 16th Century.
- Historical Atlas of Poland. Tax Registers from the Voivodeship of Poznań in the 16th Century
- Religions and Confessions in the Polish Crown in the 2nd half of the 18th Century
- Atlas Fontium
- About the project
- The Court Records of Wschowa (1495–1526). Digital Edition
- The Spatial Database Development for Research on Settlements and Afforestation in Nowy Tomyśl Plain in Early Modern Times
- Parish libraries of Wiślica praeposite in the second half of the 18th century
- Register of Protestant communities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th-18th centuries
- Digital edition of Gaul/Raczyński map (1:125,000, 1807-1812)
- Lindleys’ Map of Warsaw (1:2,500) and urban space preservation
- The map of Polish lands of the Crown in the 16th century – a spatial database