Old And Historical Maps

Old And Historical Maps


Below we present a resource of historical maps developed on the basis of the project “Historical Atlas of Poland. Polish lands of the Crown in the second half of the sixteenth century” (AHP) carried out at the Department of Historical Atlas of the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences in the years 1964-2021. The most important is a map of the Polish Crown with a scale of 1:250,000: it shows almost 25,000 settlements along with their type, function, size and ownership, administrative boundaries, most important roads, and forests and hydrography. In addition, a map with a scale of 1:1,000,000 has been elaborated, which shows settlements and territorial divisions in a synthetic way, as well as 1:500,000 maps for individual palatinates.

In addition to historical maps, we also provide old maps that are part of the ‘Maps with the Past’ application (https://atlasfontium.pl/language/en/maps-of-the-past/) linking to individual sheets.

There are plans to develop historical and old maps collections and publish them online for both specialists (historians, geographers) and general public interested in geohistory.

Maps are in Polish language.

published: 09.12.2022
updated: 15.06.2023