The settlement network of the Sanok land in the years 1340–1650

Fastnacht "Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej...". Okładka.

The settlement network of the Sanok land in the years 1340–1650

Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

The presented material is based on the publication by Adam Fastnacht (1913-1987), entitled. “Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej w latach 1340-1650” [en: “the settlement network of the Sanok land in the years 1340–1650”] published twice: for the first time in 1962, and for the second time, as a reprint, in 20071. A. Fastnacht devoted most of his scientific life to the history of the Sanok land: he did most of the work on the book in question before the Second World War. He was also the author of the three-volume ‘Historical-Geographical Dictionary of the Sanok Land in the Middle Ages’ published in 1991-20022.
A spatial database was developed on the basis of the map attached to the book. It consists of three layers: settlement network in point geometry roads (lines) and boundaries marked as areas (polygons). The structure of the database was based on the map legend. With regard to the settlements, it contains such information as the type and chronology of the settlement’s origin and the location law. Objects on the map were entered into the database in a vector model after its prior georeferencing. There are 482 settlements both on the map and in the database. Each of them is described by four attributes: name, type, period of establishment (chronology) and type of location law. Thus, the map includes 18 towns, 461 villages and 3 castles (for the latter, there is no information on the date of establishment and, obviously, on the location law). As far as the completeness of attributes is concerned, one settlement does not have a name3 and for 167 no information on the foundation period is given. The boundaries were drawn directly from the map, but their course on the western and northern fragments connecting with the boundaries of the Polish lands of the Crown were reconciled with those compiled as part of the ‘Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed maps of the 16th century“. The map depicts the boundaries of the Sanok land in two time periods: c. 1400 and c. 1600, and these are the two layers we provide. The database also includes roads, which are marked as “more important roads” in the legend to the map. The database is in Polish.

Tomasz Panecki

  1. Adam Fastnacht, Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej w latach 1340–1650, Wrocław 1962; Adam Fastnacht, Osadnictwo ziemi sanockiej w latach 1340–1650, Sanok 2007. The 2007 edition was used for elaborating this material. []
  2. Adam Fastnacht, Słownik historyczno-geograficzny ziemi sanockiej w średniowieczu, do druku przygotowali Anna Fastnacht-Stupnicka, Antoni Gąsiorowski, cz. 1, Muzeum Regionalne PTTK w Brzozowie, Brzozów 1991; cz. 2, Stowarzyszenie Małopolski Uniwersytet we Wzdowie, Instytut Europejskich Studiów Społecznych w Rzeszowie, Muzeum Regionalne im. Adama Fastnachta w Brzozowie, Brzozów-Wzdów-Rzeszów 1998; cz. 3, Societas Vistulana, Kraków 2002. por.:[]
  3. This is most likely a mistake. The point is placed near the Przysłup Pass, through which today the road connecting Sanok and Kuzmin passes. Neither on the contemporary map nor on old maps (WIG, Mieg) is there any settlement in this place.[]