Licencja nieokreślona
Ongoing projects
Cartography at the service of political reforms in the times of Stanisław August Poniatowski – a critical elaboration of ‘Geographical-statistical description of the parishes in the Kingdom of Poland’ and the maps of the palatinates by Karol Perthées
NPRH no 11H 18 0122 87. Leader: Professor IH PAN Bogumił Szady
Its main goal is the elaboration of a database and a web map application for the settlement network and religious and administrative divisions in the Crown od Poland in the second half of the 18th century. The team will also prepare a monography on the census and cartographical activities and their connection to the reforms in the times of the Polish Republic and its dawn.
Historical Ontology of Urban Spaces
NAWA no PPI/APM/2019/1/00053/U/00001. Leader: Dr Wiesława Duży
Three tasks of the project cover a whole series of project activities, among which the most important are two conferences, four workshop meetings and a dozen internships and research stays, which hopefully shall take place without any obstacles in 2021. It has been planned to make it possible that such internships at IH PAN Warsaw be attended by representatives of the partners and associates in partner institutions. Thanks to these events, it will be build a strong international cooperation network for researchers dealing with and interested in the history of the city. The team of HOUSe is also planning several publications about which they shall write more soon. At the moment they are preparing a conference about the current state of research concerning the space and history of the city. The team is changing its formula as in the current situation they can exchange knowledge and experience only remotely. Details of the conference “Historical Ontology of Urban Space: State of the Art” can be found on the project website:
Ended projects
„A Historical Atlas of Poland in the 16th century: supplements to the series”
NPRH no 1aH 15 0373 83. Leader: Professor IH PAN Marek Słoń
Results: see here (in Polish)
Old maps’ digital editions: perspectives and constraints on the example of “Geographic-Military and Statistical Map of Greater Poland” (1807-1812)
NCN no 2015/17/N/HS3/01267. Leader: PhD Tomasz Panecki
Results: see here
Digital edition of Kalisz court books from 1587-1593
NCN no 2014/13/N/HS3/04421. Leader: MA Michał Gochna
Results: see here
Digital edition of Kalisz land and court books from the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries
NCN no 2014/13/N/HS3/04428. Leader: PhD Tomasz Związek
Results: see here
Kalisz consistory court records, 1504-1534
NCN no 2014/13/N/HS3/04425. Leader: MA Arkadiusz Borek
Results: see here
Historical Atlas of Poland. Greater Poland in the second half of XVI century
NPRH no 11H.11.004080. Leader: Professor IH PAN Marek Słoń.
Hitorical Atlas of Poland in the second half of 16. century
NPRH no 11H.11.004080. Leader: Professor IH PAN Marek Słoń.
Results: see here
Ontological Foundations for Building Historical Geoinformation Systems
NPRH no 2bH 15 0216 83. Leader: Professor IH PAN Bogumił Szady
The main objective of the project is to solve the problems of collecting and integrating geographic and historical information with the help of an engineering ontology.
The ontology is focussed on:
- types of locality and settlement units
- types of administration units (both civil and ecclesiastical) that occurred in the Polish lands until 1939.
The ontology will be the basis for the logical schema of the knowledge base based on the data collected during this and other projects realised the Manteuffel Institute of History . The database module thereof will be implemented in the Postgresql / Postgis environment. The ontology will be then populated with this data and be available to external users through the SPARQL EndPoint service.
This main task of the project will be approached from the perspective of the theoretical assumptions and methods of collecting heterogeneous and sharable information so that it would b possible to integrate data from different sources, for different periods, and of varying content type.
The project will involve a group of historians, geographers, ontologists and computer scientists.
Results: see here